make contact with your true self

2-hour audio course

make contact with your true self

study today, lifetime access

Join one of Australia’s most in-demand conscious career & business mentors for two soft & slow hours of potent wisdom & deep transformation.

do you find yourself wondering who you really are & if this is it for you in life?

So many of us are questioning everything right now. Who we really are, what we really want & how we even got to this place of feeling constantly anxious, existential & exhausted.

The Girl Boss era hurt us more than we’ve realised. The relentless pursuit of the version of success that was being modelled to us is what caused so many of us to forget who we really are & what it is we are supposed to be doing with our unique gifts & skills.

make contact with your true self & define your version of success

Whether we need to work or choose to work, we want it to mean something. So many of us dream of a professional reality where our career or our business feels like it’s making a difference in the world & also supports us to live a full & expressed life.

This can be our reality but the first step is making contact with our True Self.

learn what you really are

land in the realisation that you are the universe

& how this informs who you are

begin to identify as spirit having a human experience

& what you do for work

make contact with what you’re here to do

what’s included

study now
what you are

Don’t you mean who I really am?! No. . . This lesson will create a radical shift in perspective about life itself.

who you are

With a base understanding of what you really are, it’s time to explore how that informs who you are in this lifetime.

What you’re not

This is the “shedding” lesson. This is where we create some sacred space between your Not Self & your True Self.

why you’re here

We’ve got the what, the who & not down. Now let’s go deeper on the why. Why are you really here?

making contact with true self

Now that you understand the concept of True Self, it’s time to explore how to make contact with that part of you.

paying our respects

& acknowledging that this wisdom is universal & it is all of ours to learn & embody because we are this wisdom.

Conscious compass

Put pen to paper. Alison’s Conscious Compass is designed to help you define your most truthful way of living & being.

the role of our work

Where does our career fit into all of this? This lesson explores the role & relevance of our work within our life.

what now & next?

Learning this knowledge can move us into intentional action & spark progressive change. Now you know, now what?

uncover your purpose

When you make contact with your True Self, you also make contact with your purpose & your place in the world. The wisdom shared in this audio course will help you uncover the need of the time you are here to meet, which is your purpose in this lifetime.

access the course straight away

Make Contact With Your True Self

$220.00 AUD

One-off payment

about your guide, 
alison rice

about your guide, 
alison rice

Alison is a 10x award-winning leader, acclaimed host, facilitator & one of Australia’s most exciting conscious career & business mentors. She helps career builders, leaders, emerging & established founders to evolve beyond the hustle & grind of the Girl Boss era into a softer, more spacious & values-aligned expression of success. Alison’s pioneering body of work & service lights the way back to our bodies, our true nature, our unique gifts & the need of the time we are here to meet through our work.

listen in the car or on your morning walk

over a decade of spiritual study & thousands of hours of mentoring condensed it into a 2-hour audio course.

reach clarity & feel comforted

release feelings of anxiety & worry

broaden your perspective

define what action to take next

Kind Words
This course made me think more about myself & who I am than I ever have before. It helped me acknowledge how some of my preconceived thoughts about who I am were getting in the way of who I actually am & want to be today. I recommend this course for anyone who is feeling stuck or lost, or really, for anyone who has never paused to reflect on who they are.
self study student

if you’re seeking answers

This course will move you into the kind of self reflection that will support you to take real & meaningful action in your life. If you’re ready for deep transformation & the kinds of realisations that could change the direction of your life & your career, this is the course for you.

start listening today, lifetime access

Make Contact With Your True Self

$220.00 AUD

one-off payment

frequently asked questions

email if you need deeper support to say yes to this transformative course

  • how long does the course take?

    There’s just under two hours of content spread over nine short audio lessons. You can listen in one afternoon or choose to study slowly, listening to a lesson a day. Whatever feels good for you.

  • do I get all lessons at once?

    Yes. When you purchase the course, you’ll receive an email prompting you to login. Upon logging in, you will be able to access the entire audio course & supporting material.

  • will my access expire?

    No. Once you’ve purchased the course, you have access to it for as long as I’m doing this work. To note: I politely retain the right to update & evolve the course in the years to come.

  • do you offer payment plans?

    If you are experiencing financial hardship & believe this course will help you on your way, please email to connect with Alison.

  • can I get transcripts?

    If you need transcripts, please email after you’ve moved through the checkout process.

more offerings

If this course doesn’t fit your needs in this professional season, consider exploring Alison’s seasonal career & business mentorship space, Off—.

Seasonal Space
Seasonal Space


Once a year, Alison calls co-creators into her spiritually-informed & strategic career & business mentorship space, Off—. Explore or register your interest in the next season.

Take me there
Strategy & Projects
Strategy & Projects

Studio Offline

Aware & regenerative  strategy for purpose-driven brands, businesses & entrepreneurs. Work directly with Alison on a custom brand, content, community or podcast strategy.

Next Steps
Leadership Mentoring
Leadership Mentoring

Leaders Offline

For those ready to evolve into a steady, expressed & respected leader. Explore Alison’s month-long, close-proximity leadership intensive.

Private Mentorship