career builder

build a meaningful career that pays you well

Thankfully, the Girl Boss era is behind us. We’ve recognised that leaning in & smashing through glass ceilings to get a seat at a table that was never built to support a full & expressed life isn’t the way, but what is? How can we build a meaningful, well-paying career without the hustling, grinding & sacrificing? You’ve landed in the right place.

without sacrificing your needs or your weekends

If you’ve landed here, you might be re-evaluating what your career means to you or how you’re going to get the next promotion that will move you into a pay bracket that feels not only more supportive, but also aligned with the value you bring to the business you work for.

You might be here because your workplace isn’t providing you with adequate mentorship or growth opportunities so you’re taking matters into your own hands. (Yes to this.)

Regardless of what brings you here, you know you want to work with an expressed & experienced career mentor who can help you think it all through & offer you spiritually-informed, highly strategic advice.

The Now

how you currently feel

You’ve been working hard to progress in your career & striving to reach the goals you set for yourself but lately you find yourself wondering if those goals still feel true & if where your career is heading is even the right direction anymore.

  • overly identified with your job
  • a bit numb & directionless
  • exhausted & underpaid

The Future

how you want to feel

Clear that you are here for a reason & your career is just one outlet you export your gifts & skills into. You feel content in a role that adds value to your life & potentially the world, & pays you in line with the value you bring the business.

  • seen, heard & valued at work
  • authentic, expressed & explored
  • well paid

The Plan

how you'll get there

The first step to take is understanding what you really are & how that defines who you are & what it is you’re here to do in this lifetime. Then it’s about defining your version of success & setting a plan to make that your professional reality.

  • make contact with your gifts
  • define your version of success
  • chart the path forward

“In making contact with our True Self, we learn that success has nothing to do with what we’re called or how much we earn & everything to do with how easeful we feel in our bodies, our lives & how we’re using our gifts.” — Alison


mentorship space

Off— is a seasonal career & business mentorship space led by Alison & her network of guest mentors. Four months of career, business or leadership support, spiritual expansion & connection into a conscious community.


Off— is a seasonal career & business mentorship space led by Alison & her network of guest mentors. Four months of career, business or leadership support, spiritual expansion & connection into a conscious community.


voice mentoring

Ask Alison a question & she responds via potent voice mentoring memos.

wisdom sessions

Every month we learn about a new spiritual technology, knowledge system or science.

founder hours

The Founders stream includes weekly Founder Hour live mentoring sessions.

Leaders Offline

month-long intensive

For those ready to evolve into a steady, expressed & respected leader, Alison offers a month-long, close proximity leadership intensive called Leaders Offline. It includes 1-1 sessions, voice mentoring & business or team strategy.


For those ready to evolve into a steady, expressed & respected leader, Alison offers a month-long, close proximity leadership intensive called Leaders Offline. It includes 1-1 sessions, voice mentoring & business or team strategy.


voice mentoring

Your very own leadership & business mentor in your pocket for in-the-moment questions.

weekly sessions

A nourishing two hours together each week to talk, strategise — whatever you need.

business consultant

Use Alison as a business or brand consultant for the month alongside personal mentorship.

Recommended Reading

instant access to alison's recommended reading list

Devouring all things spiritual? Join our mailing list & get instant access to the recommended reading list Alison has been carefully curating for over 15 years.

more offerings

If the above offerings don’t fit your needs in this season, consider exploring over 100 episode of Offline, The Podcast or if you’re thinking about starting your own service-based business, explore Alison’s conscious business incubator.


Offline, The Podcast

Tune in & lean out. Honest conversations about how to succeed with softness, space & intention. For recovering Girl Bosses everywhere.

Listen Now
Business Incubator
Business Incubator


Learn how to start a purpose-driven service-based business that can meet you in the season you’re in & pay you what you’re worth.

More Please
Strategy & Projects
Strategy & Projects

Studio Offline

Aware & regenerative  strategy for purpose-driven brands, businesses & entrepreneurs. Work directly with Alison on a custom brand, content, community or podcast strategy.

Next Steps