
business incubator

are you ready to go out on your own?

late january — early april, 2025

Join award-winning leader & one of Australia’s most 
in-demand conscious business mentors, Alison Rice, 
to learn how to build a purpose-driven & profitable service based business that nourishes you.

create a service-based business that gives you freedom

Goodbye Girl Boss. The new era of entrepreneurship is here & it’s service-led, life-giving & seasonal. We are not here to work more than we live or to be contained to a rigid 9-5 schedule that leaves us very little free time to follow our bliss.

We are here to experience everything our one, big life has to offer & to contribute to the evolution of all things along the way. The system we’ve been conditioned to subscribe to simply can’t support our fullness & our wholeness. It can’t move with the natural & intrinsic seasons & cycles that exist within a diverse & expressed life.

So it’s time to build our own system. It’s time to believe in our innate resourcefulness & our ability to successfully work for ourselves.

calling in both emerging & established founders

Serve is a 12 week business incubator for emerging service-led entrepreneurs — practitioners, teachers, coaches, mentors, consultants, advisors, creatives & service providers of all kinds — & established entrepreneurs who have already taken the leap but need deeper support to build a profitable business that can comfortably & consistently pay them what they are worth.

custom strategy

14 strategic & motivating lessons delivered weekly

templates & worksheets

every template & worksheet you need to start serving

clean energy

surround yourself with clean & steady energy

purpose & profit

Anyone can create a brand, build a website & start offering their services, but it takes a strong foundation, structure, strategy & accountability to turn that brand into a profitable business.

& that’s what Alison is offering through serve — the step-by-step process to creating a relevant, culturally aware, spiritually intelligent brand & a profitable business that can meet you in the season you’re in.

learn from one mentor doing it today

learn from one mentor doing it today

We have officially reached information overload. Instagram & TikTok are flooded with business coaches & marketing “gurus” promising $10k, $50k & $100k months. The advice is often conflicting &  lacks the nuance required to capture high quality leads & convert followers into clients.

It’s so normal to have countless Reels bookmarked, multiple e-books left unopened in your inbox & links to replays of webinars you signed up for but never attended.  This program allows you to leave all of that behind & instead, focus on the advice from one seasoned business mentor who is thoughtfully scaling a service-based business today.

how you feel vs. how you will feel after serve

Express Interest
confused about where to start

Leave serve with a clear roadmap from idea to sharing your service offerings with the world.

worried about wasting money

Confident about your investment & the realisation it will continue to pay off as your business grows.

don’t know who to trust

Safe in the hands of conscious & generous mentors who are practicing what they preach & leading in their fields.

unsure who you are serving

Clear about exactly who your customer is, what they need & how to market to them in a way that converts.

hate showing up on socials

Confident executing a world-class content marketing strategy that feels aligned to your energy & personality.

been burnt by courses before

A renewed sense of trust in the coaching & mentoring space & excited to work with Alison & her network again.

have tried everything

Clear about why what you were doing wasn’t working, what was missing & why Alison’s service strategy makes sense.

don’t know what to charge

Clear & confident implementing a profit-first pricing framework that ensures you get paid what you’re worth.

idea or brand lacks depth

An interesting, culturally relevant, original idea or brand that resonates with & attracts your ideal customer.

you can do it. you can work for yourself

With a strategy that is custom-fit to you
a high mindset, clean energy, conscious community & accountability, anyone can.

it took alison 5 years to learn what she now teaches in 12 dynamic & uplifting weeks

This program is an opportunity to collapse time & save money.

It’s tempting to try & do it on our own with the intention of saving money, but the time it takes actually costs us money in the end. Learn from someone who has been where you are, knows what is required at each stage of starting, building & growing a purpose-driven, profitable service based business.

overcome limiting beliefs, fears about being seen or failing

The most powerful breakthroughs of them all. The truth is, a world-class strategy is meaningless in the face of limiting thoughts, beliefs, patterns or behaviours.

the 12-week program

Enrol during the month of november. we begin in late janaury. everything is recorded.

  • week one

    define your version of true self success

    It all starts with defining what success looks like to you. Together we’ll be declaring the Highest Vision you hold for your business and the life it will enable you to live.

  • week two

    regenerative entrepreneurship

    Learn the hallmarks of regenerative entrepreneurship and how it informs what we build, how we build it and how we get to show up inside our businesses: Spacious, soft and seasonal.

  • week three

    define the need you are meeting

    A regenerative, service-based business is always meeting a need. Define the need you are uniquely positioned to meet and the problems your services will help solve.

  • week four

    write your business strategy

    Think of this as your business’ intentional action plan. A strategic document that outlines your operating model, the direction you are going in, your objectives, the structure of the market you are entering, revenue streams, assumed costs and much more.

  • week five

    intentional accounting & bookkeeping

    An experienced accountant will be guiding you through the basics of choosing a business structure, understanding tax, invoicing and accepting payments, bookkeeping, insurance, legal and more.

  • week six

    write your brand strategy

    Your brand strategy outlines the why, what, how and who of your business, and also defines how your customer will perceive and receive you. We’ll be using the brand strategy template Alison uses for private strategy clients.

  • week seven

    write your brand identity brief

    A brand experience expert will be leading a brand identity workshop. You’ll leave the session with a brand identity brief that you can share with a designer who will create your brand’s visual identity.

  • week eight

    develop & price your services

    It’s now time to define what you will offer your clients or community members, how you will deliver those offerings and the investment for each.

    + evolving beyond limiting beliefs about how much we can earn

    A growth and mindset mentor will be leading a session on evolving beyond the limiting beliefs about what we’re capable or deserving of earning.

  • week nine

    revenue forecasting & financial milestones

    Our conscious wealth expert will be joining us once again, this time for a dynamic revenue forecasting workshop. You’ll be given a functional revenue forecasting sheet to use and together we will plug in our numbers and play out some revenue scenarios.

    + finding a purpose for your profit

    A social impact specialist will be leading a workshop on finding a purpose for your business’ profit via a meaningful social impact plan. Regenerative entrepreneurship puts people and planet first, and this is one simple way we begin being the change we want to see.

  • week ten

    write your marketing strategy

    Your marketing strategy takes key aspects of your business and brand strategy and builds on them to define how you’ll create brand awareness, how you’ll move prospective clients or community members into the consideration phase and also how you’ll motivate and support them to buy your services or offerings.

  • week eleven

    develop your content marketing system

    Content marketing can feel super overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be. Alison is a leading digital content expert and will be sharing her simple content marketing system with you — one you can implement straight away in your own business.

  • week twelve

    write your intentional action plan

    Finish serve by writing an Intentional Action Plan. A clear, motivating and directional document that outlines the next most necessary steps for you to take.

I am going to help you build a business that not only meets the needs of your clients & customers but one that also supports you to experience a full & expressed life.
alison rice

entrepreneurial mindset & clean energy

strategic templates 
& functional sheets

clarity & conscious accountability

collapse time & 
build as you learn

investment options

pay in full

serve business incubator

Learn how to build a purpose-driven & profitable service-based business.

  • 14 lessons
  • Templates, worksheets & frameworks
  • Accountability emails & WhatsApp support
$3,500 AUD one-off payment

3 payments

serve business incubator

Learn how to build a purpose-driven & profitable service-based business.

  • 14 lessons
  • Templates, worksheets & frameworks
  • Accountability emails & WhatsApp support
3 x payments of $1,180 paid monthly

6 payments

serve business incubator

Learn how to build a purpose-driven & profitable service-based business.

  • 14 lessons
  • Templates, worksheets & frameworks
  • Accountability emails & WhatsApp support
6 x payments of $590 paid monthly

total value of the serve program

$30,000 worth of strategy & mentorship

Why so much value?

Because Alison is yet to meet an emerging (or established!) entrepreneur who can comfortably invest $30,000 upfront on what is essentially still just an idea.

That’s why serve exists at the price it does: To make starting your own service-based business feel less risky.

what it would actually cost

If you were to engage experts & contractors to support you at each stage, the investment would exceed $30,000. This program is an opportunity to learn how to do it yourself & use the strategic knowledge over & over again in your business as you grow.

Business Strategy $10,000
Marketing Strategy $7,000
Brand Strategy $6,000
Content Strategy $5,000
Mentorship with Alison $400 P/H
$30,000 $3,500

meet the experts guiding dearest you

alison rice

Conscious Business Mentor & Regenerative Strategist

Using her signature blend of energy, strategy & mindset work, Alison will be teaching you how to build not only a purpose-driven, service-led business, but also a profitable business that is in right relationship with your values, people, place & planet.

megan deboer

Wealth Doula

In our revenue forecasting & financial milestones masterclass, Megan from Tended Wealth will be teaching you what a forecast is & how to think about the financial rhythm of a seasonal, service-based business that supports you to life a full and expressed life.

victoria bowness

Mindset Mentor

Vic will be leading a session on evolving beyond the limiting beliefs we often carry with us about what we’re capable or deserving of earning. You’ll learn how to alchemise to a more expansive number & how to hold it when the body inevitably tries to reject it.

mel byrne

Business Accountant

In our intentional accounting masterclass, Mel Byrne from The Numbersmiths will be teaching you how to begin your business in a positive relationship with your numbers, tax obligations, cash flow and budget management practices.

jo pretyman

Social Impact Specialist

Joanna & Alison will be exploring social impact in business & how to find a purpose for our future profit. This is one way we get to be the change we want to see from the very beginning. Jo’s gift is helping businesses design culturally-relevant solutions to global problems.

mikeila scheckenbach

Brand Experience Expert

Founder of Bandit Design Group, Mikeila will be guiding you to conceive a brand identity that has depth & meaning. A brand that is felt before. You’ll leave her workshop with a brand identity brief you can use when creating your branding or to share with a designer.

more support if you need it

Alison’s foundational 2-hr audio course is for anyone who needs deeper support making contact with their True Self & figuring out what it is they’re meant to be doing.

$220.00 AUD


even if you’re already serving, it’s safe to seek help to get profitable

you are not alone. you are not failing. you just need help.

You took the leap which is incredible, now get the structure, support, strategy & accountability we all need.

meet like-minded entrepreneurs

One of the places we’ll be gathering during the 12 weeks is our Community Room. Inside you’ll be able to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs who are choosing to use their gifts, skills & expertise to serve the needs of the time.

custom strategy, clean energy, high mindset

  • learn a world-class service business strategy
  • show up to inspiring & engaging lessons
  • meet other founders in our community room
  • access to our private whatsapp group
  • gentle accountability emails & prompts
Kind Words
This course made me think more about myself and who I am than I ever have before. It helped me acknowledge how some of my preconceived thoughts about who I am were getting in the way of who I actually am and want to be today. I recommend this course for anyone who is feeling stuck or lost, or really, for anyone who has never paused to reflect on who they are.
jessie Founder
Alison has completely changed the way that I think about marketing my service-based business. I used to feel like I always had to be “on”, always thinking about booking in my next client, & always feeling the pressure of showing up on socials. She offered me a way of thinking about marketing & booking clients that’s seasonal, allows me to forecast my revenue, & gives me the space to be fully serving my clients without the pressure of looking for new work in the back of my mind. Alison’s strategic business advice never fails to impress me with the level of her expertise & thoughtfulness. She’s helped me to strategically price my services & untangle my sense of self-worth from my business, which as a service-provider has been a difficult hurdle for me.
felicity Founder
Alison has an incredible talent for hearing & distilling ideas & concepts that often felt like excited chaos, jumbled in our minds, into something we could immediately implement & felt true to ourselves & our vision for our business. In the weeks following working with Alison, we’ve had the confidence to speak directly to new business prospects & successfully begin outreach en mass! We are now speaking to a brand strategy that is cohesive & succinct, leaving our audience just as passionate about our mission as we are.
violet Founder
I feel so lucky to be a part of this community. You’ve supported me through some big learnings this year & I’m really starting to benefit from some seeds I’ve sewn. It’s been the most transformational year energetically & I owe a lot of it to you. I caught myself yesterday saying “this is the best I’ve ever felt. I really trust who & what I am.” Now doesn’t that feel bloody good?!
nicole founder
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the serve scholarship

the serve scholarship

In my ongoing commitment to building a business that — at its foundation — is an act of allyship, one of the most important questions I’ve learned I can ask is: Who isn’t in the room & why?

The serve Scholarship exists to ensure anyone experiencing financial hardship has a pathway to financial stability & independence. Priority is given to Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, people with a disability, domestic violence survivors & single parents.

Write to me to explore a scholarship.

Alison xo

still wondering if serve is for you?

Consider emailing our team to explore the program in more detail & ask us questions. Alison offers serve just once a year so we want you to feel informed.

your questions, answered

  • when are the live sessions?

    Wednesdays at 12.30pm Sydney time + 2 bonus sessions which fall on a Thursday at the same time.

    Session recordings will be uploaded within 24 hours.

  • what is the time committment?

    There’s a 2-hour lesson each a week for the 12 weeks + 2 bonus lessons — so 14 lessons in total.

    Some of lessons take on a workshop format so you’ll be doing the exercise or task as we go, and others you’ll complete in your own time.

    You can attend the weekly lesson live or watch the replay.

  • if I cancel, can I still access the content?

    serve is a 12-week investment so unfortunately you can’t cancel mid-program. When you enrol, you are committing to join for the 12 weeks. This includes your payment commitment.

  • how does the scholarship work & how do I apply?

    The idea is that you pay what you can afford or nothing at all if an investment isn’t within your financial means.

    Offline uses this economic justice tool as a guide.

    Alison set the parameters for Offline scholarships after a series of cultural education and awareness sessions. One of the decisions she made after receiving this valuable counsel was to move away from an application process and instead, ask you to explore it with her.

    So if you need a scholarship, she hopes you’ll write to her.

    The serve Scholarship exists for any person experiencing significant financial hardship, but priority is given to Black, Indigenous and People of Colour; and disabled people.

    If you’d like to explore, please write to Alison:

  • are the live sessions recorded?

    Yes. All lessons are recorded and made available within 24 hours.

  • can I access the content after the 12-weeks?

    You will be able to access the serve learning portal for 12 months.

prefer to listen?

Listen to this special episode of Offline, The Podcast to hear Alison speak about serve and the pathway to a purpose-driven & profitable service-based business.

more offerings

If this program doesn’t fit your needs in this professional season, consider exploring our seasonal mentorship space or 1-1 brand & business strategy studio.

Strategy & Projects
Strategy & Projects

Studio Offline

Aware & regenerative  strategy for purpose-driven brands, businesses & entrepreneurs. Work directly with Alison on a custom brand, content, community or podcast strategy.

Next Steps
Seasonal Space
Seasonal Space


Once a year, Alison calls co-creators into her spiritually-informed & strategic career & business mentorship space, Off—. Explore or register your interest in the next season.

Take me there
Leadership Mentoring
Leadership Mentoring

Leaders Offline

For those ready to evolve into a steady, expressed & respected leader. Explore Alison’s month-long, close-proximity leadership intensive.

Private Mentorship