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Enrolments open soon for the 2025 season. Off— is a seasonal career & business mentorship space led by Alison Rice & her team of guest mentors.

Join The Waitlist


about your conscious career & business mentor

about your conscious career & business mentor

Alison is a 10x award-winning leader, acclaimed host, facilitator & one of Australia’s most exciting conscious career & business mentors. She helps career builders, leaders, emerging & established founders to evolve beyond the hustle & grind of the Girl Boss era into a softer, more spacious & values-aligned expression of success. Alison’s pioneering body of work & service lights the way back to our bodies, our true nature, our unique gifts & the need of the time we are here to meet through our work.

four months of spiritual & strategic mentorship

Off— is a living & breathing space. You have direct access to Alison & the community in real-time. with that shared, everything is recorded. Join live or watch the replays.